U of S
Native Studies Review

Volume 9, No 2
Volume 9, No 2

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Manore, Jean L. "A Vision of Trust: The Legal, Moral and Spiritual Foundations of Shingwauk Hall" 9(2), pp. 1–21.

MacDonald, Michael Paul. "Establishing Alternative Measures Programs: Native Peoples and Section 4 of the Young Offenders Act" 9(2), pp. 23–45.

le Dressay, Andre. "The Mysterious Trail of Suspect Statistics: A Case Study of Five Shuswap Nation Communities" 9(2), pp. 47–73.

Photo Essay

"Aboriginal Leaders: A Photo Essay" 9(2), pp. 75–86.


"Draft Declaration as Agreed upon by the Members of the Working Group at its Eleventh Session, 1994" 9(2), pp. 92–101.

"United Nations Commission on Human Rights Report on Indigenous Peoples" 9(2), pp. 102–12.

Research Reports and Notes

Galois, Robert. "The History of the Upper Skeena Region, 1850 to 1927" 9(2), pp. 113–83.

© Copyright Native Studies Department, University of Saskatchewan. All rights reserved.