U of S
Native Studies Review

Volume 9, No 1
Volume 9, No 1

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Boxberger, Daniel L. "Lightning Boldts and Sparrow Wings: A Comparison of Coast Salish Fishing Rights in British Columbia and Washington State" 9(1), pp. 1–13.

Skea, Warren H. "The Canadian Newspaper Industry's Portrayal of the Oka Crisis" 9(1), pp. 15–31.

Thistle, Paul C. "Images of Native People Associated with the Kelsey Event" 9(1), pp. 33–50.

Price, Richard T. and Smith, Shirleen. "Treaty 8 and Traditional Livelihoods: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" 9(1), pp. 51–91..

Photo Essay

"Reserve Hospitals in Southern Alberta, 1890 to 1930" 9(1), pp. 93–110.


"Red Deer Industrial School" 9(1), pp. 113–15.

"[Recommendations by] Mr. D. Jackson, Indian Affairs Branch, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources" 9(1), pp. 118–20.

"Labour Laws and the Farm Worker" 9(1), pp. 121–22.

Book Reviews

Boldt, Menno. Surviving as Indians: The Challenge of Self-Government. 9(1), pp. 123–25, review by Jack Smith.

Review Essay by Alan B. Anderson: The "Fourth World" of Indigenous Peoples: A Review of the Concept and the Literature:

Burger, Julian et al. (Eds.). The GAIA Atlas of First Peoples: A Future for the Indigenous World;
Dyck, Noel (Ed.). Indigenous Peoples and the Nation-State: Fourth World Politics in Canada, Australia and Norway;
Fleras, Augie and Elliott, Jean L. The Nations Within: Aboriginal-State Relations in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand;
Goehring, Brian. Indigenous Peoples of the World: An Introduction to Their Past, Present and Future;
Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues. Indigenous Peoples: A Global Quest for Justice;
Miler, Marc S. (Ed.). with the staff of Cultural Survival. State of the Peoples: A Global Human Rights Report on Societies in Danger.

© Copyright Native Studies Department, University of Saskatchewan. All rights reserved.