U of S
Native Studies Review

Volume 8, No 2
Volume 8, No 2

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Galois, R.M. "The Indian Rights Association, Native Protest Activity and the 'Land Question' in British Columbia, 1903–1916" 8(2), pp. 1–34.

Condon, Richard G. "Changing Patterns of Conflict Management and Aggression among Inuit Youth in the Canadian Arctic: Longitudinal Ethnographic Observations" 8(2), pp. 35–49.

St. Denis, Verna. "Community-Based Participatory Research: Aspects of the Concept Relevant for Practice" 8(2), pp. 51–74.

Kurelek, Cathy. "Anthropological Participatory Research among the Innu of Labrador" 8(2), pp. 75–97.


Adams, Howard. "Thoughts on the Constitution and Aboriginal Self-Government" 8(2), pp. 99–108.

Isaac, Thomas. "The 1992 Charlottetown Accord and First Nations Peoples: Guiding the Future" 8(2), pp. 109–14.


"Sections Pertaining to Aboriginal Peoples in the Consensus Report on the Constitution [Charlottetown Accord] August 28, 1992" 8(2), pp. 116–28.

"History and Background to Metis Nation Accord" 8(2), pp. 130–33.

"Metis Nation Accord" 8(2), pp. 134–40.

Book Reviews

Hallowell, A. Irving with Brown, Jennifer S.H. The Ojibwa of Berens River, Manitoba: Ethnography into History. 8(2), pp. 141–42, review by Richard J. Preston.

Sioui, Georges E. For an Amerindian Autohistory. 8(2), pp. 143–47, review by Howard Adams.

Ross, Rupert. Dancing with a Ghost: Exploring Indian Reality. 8(2), pp. 147–48, review by James B. Waldram.

© Copyright Native Studies Department, University of Saskatchewan. All rights reserved.