U of S
Native Studies Review

Volume 8, No 1
Volume 8, No 1

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Long, John S. "Coping with Powerful People: A Hudson's Bay Company 'Boss' and the Albany River Cree, 1862–1875" 8(1), pp. 1–21.

Lux, Maureen. "Prairie Indians and the 1918 Influenza Epidemic" 8(1), pp. 23–33.

Pryce, Paula. "The Manipulation of Culture and History: A Critique of Two Expert Witnesses" 8(1), pp. 35–46.


Waisberg, Leo G. and Holzkamm, Tim E. "The Ojibway Understanding of Fishing Rights under Treaty 3: A Comment on Lise C. Hansen, 'Treaty Fishing Rights and the Development of Fisheries Legislation in Ontario: A Primer'" 8(1), pp. 47–55.

Hansen, Lise C. "A Rejoinder to Waisberg and Holzkamm" 8(1), pp. 57–60.

Research Reports and Notes

Tough, Frank. "Conservation and the Indian: Clifford Sifton's Commission of Conservation, 1910–1919" 8(1), pp. 61–73.


"Saskatchewan Treaty Land Entitlement Framework Agreement: A Summary, by David C. Knoll" 8(1), pp. 76–87.

Photo Essay

"Signing of the 1992 Saskatchewan Treaty Land Entitlement Framework Agreement" 8(1), pp. 89–97.

Book Reviews

Fleras, Augie and Elliott, Jean L. The Nations Within: Aboriginal-State Relations in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand. 8(1), pp. 99–104, review by René R. Gadacz

Wenzel, George. Animal Rights, Human Rights: Ecology, Economy and Ideology in the Canadian Arctic. 8(1), pp. 104–05, review by John Thornton.

Goddard, John. Last Stand of the Lubicon Cree. 8(1), pp. 105–07, review by Peggy Brizinski.

Purich, Donald. The Inuit and Their Land: The Story of Nunavut. 8(1), pp. 108–09, review by Gurston Dacks.

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