U of S
Native Studies Review

Volume 6, No 1
Volume 6, No 1

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Lytwyn, Victor P. "Ojibwa and Ottawa Fisheries around Manitoulin Island: Historical and Geographical Perspectives on Aboriginal and Treaty Fishing Rights" 6(1), pp. 1–30.

Van West, John J. "Ojibwa Fisheries, Commercial Fisheries Development and Fisheries Administration, 1873–1915: An Examination of Conflicting Interest and the Collapse of the Sturgeon Fisheries of the Lake of the Woods" 6(1), pp. 31–65.

Patterson, E. Palmer. "The Nishga and the Fur Trade, 1834–1842" 6(1), pp. 67–82.

Driben, Paul. "A Death in the Family: The Strategic Importance of Women in Contemporary Northern Ojibwa Society" 6(1), pp. 83–110.

Photo Essay

"Images of Great Lakes Indians by Paul Kane, 1845 to 1848" 6(1), pp. 111–17.


"Analysis of Potential Impact of the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord on the Rights of Aboriginal People, June 1987" 6(1), pp. 123–27.

"A Declaration of the First Nations" 6(1), p. 128.

"Meech Lake Constitutional Strategy­Follow-up Actions" 6(1), pp. 129–34.

"Resolution to Defeat the Meech Lake Accords, 12 June 1990" 6(1), pp. 135–36.

"Letter from Chief of Manitoba First Nation to Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba" 6(1), p. 137.

"Letter from Member of Manitoba First Nation to Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba" 6(1), p. 138.

"Statement by Phil Fontaine, Provincial Leader­Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, 15 June 1990" 6(1), p. 139.

"Letter from Phil Fontaine to the People of Quebec, 14 June 1990" 6(1), p. 140.

"Letter from the Prime Minister to Phil Fontaine" 6(1), pp. 141–44.

"Comments [by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs] on the Letter from the Prime Minister" 6(1), pp. 145–47.

"Speech by Elijah Harper, 21 June 1990" 6(1), pp. 148–50.

"Speech by Philip Fontaine, 21 June 1990" 6(1), pp. 151–52.

Research Reports and Notes

Moore, Meredith A., Forbes, Heather, and Henderson, Lorraine. "The Provision of Primary Health Care Services Under Band Control: The Montreal Lake Case" 6(1), pp. 153–64.

Book Reviews

Moran, Bridget. Stoney Creek Woman: Sai'k'uz Ts'eke—the Story of Mary John; Shelford, Arthur & Cyril. We Pioneered. 6(1), pp. 165–70, review by Bob Galois.

McMillan, Alan D. Native Peoples and Cultures of Canada: An Anthropological Overview. 6(1), pp. 170–72, review by William Asikinack.

Milloy, John S. The Plains Cree: Diplomacy and War 1790 to 1870. 6(1), p. 173, review by Stanley Cuthand.

Young, David, Ingram, Grant, and Swartz, Lise. Cry of the Eagle: Encounters with a Cree Healer. 6(1), pp. 174–75, review by James B.Waldram.

Miller, J.R. Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens: A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada. 6(1), p. 175–76, review by Michael Cottrell.

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