U of S
Native Studies Review

Volume 4, 1 & 2
Volume 4

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Decker, Jody F. "Tracing Historical Diffusion Patterns: The Case of the 1780–82 Smallpox Epidemic Among the Indians of Western Canada" 4(1&2), pp. 1–24.

Gallagher, Brian. "A Re-Examination of Race, Class and Society in Red River" 4(1&2), pp. 25–65.

Coutts, Robert. "The Role of Agriculture in an English Speaking Halfbreed Economy: The Case of St. Andrew's, Red River" 4(1&2), pp. 67–94.

Kulchyski, Peter. "'A Considerable Unrest': F.O. Loft and the League of Indians" 4(1&2), pp. 95–117.

Ames, Michael M. and Haagen, Claudia. "A New Native Peoples History for Museums" 4(1&2), pp. 119–27.

Stevenson, Winona. "The Red River Indian Mission School and John West's 'Little Charges,' 1820–1833" 4(1&2), pp. 129–65.

Photo Essay

"Nineteenth Century Images of Native Clergy and Indian Missions" 4(1&2), pp. 167–79.


"Lubicon Lake Land Claim 'Discussion Paper,' by E.D. Fulton, February 1987" 4(1&2), pp. 181–201.

"Notes for an Address by Bill Erasmus, President of the Dene Nation, on the Signing Agreement-In-Principle with the Government of Canada, Fort Rae, Denendeh, 5 September 1988" 4(1&2), pp. 202–11.

"The Dene / Métis Decision on the Agreement-In-Principle : July 1988" 4(1&2), pp. 211–29.

Book Reviews

Purich, Donald. The Métis. 4(1&2), pp. 231–37, review by Peggy Brizinski.

Suttles, Wayne. Coast Salish Essays. 4(1&2), pp. 237–44, review by N. Alexander Easton.

Schellenberger, Stan, Chairman. The Fur Issue: Cultural Continuity Economic Opportunity. Report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. 4(1&2), pp. 244–46, review by John G. McConnell.

Krech, Shepard, III. Native Canadian Anthropology and History: A Selected Bibliography. 4(1&2), pp. 247–49, review by James B. Waldram.

Long, J. Anthony and Boldt, Menno (Eds.). Governments in Conflict?: Provinces and Indian Nations in Canada. 4(1&2), pp. 249–54, review by Peter Kulchyski.

Barman, Jean, Hebert, Yvonne, and McCaskill, Don (Eds.). Indian Education in Canada. Volume 2: The Challenge. Nakoda lnstitute. 4(1&2), pp. 254–57, review by Jan Broocke and Ruth Thompson.

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