U of S
Native Studies Review

Volume 10, No 1
Volume 10, No 1

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van de Sande, Adje. "Native and Mainstream Parenting Programs" 10(1), pp. 1–20.

Smandych, Russell and Lee, Gloria. "Women, Colonization and Resistance: Elements of an Amerindian Autohistorical Approach to the Study of Law and Colonialism" 10(1), pp. 21–46.

Sprague, D.N. "The New Math of the New Indian Act: 6(2)+6(2)=6(1)" 10(1), pp. 47–60.

Photo Essay

"Aboriginal Women in the Canadian West" 10(1), pp. 61–73.


"Six Nations' Appeal to the Government of The Netherlands" 10(1), pp. 80–82.

"League of Nations Secretariat to Dr. Joost van Hamel, Dutch Jurist, Head of League's Legal Section" 10(1), pp. 83–84.

"Van Hamel' s Reply [to League of Nations Secretariat" 10(1), p.85.

"The Canadian Government's Reply to the League of Nations and the Six Nations' Claim (Excerpts)" 10(1), pp. 86–87.

"The Canadian Government's Final Statements on the Six Nations' Claim" 10(1), p. 88.

"Conference of the Métis of Saskatchewan­Proceedings" 10(1), pp. 90–106.

Book Reviews

Imai, Shin; Logan, Katherine; and Stein, Gary. Aboriginal Law Handbook. 10(1), pp. 107–11, review by Brian Calliou.

Grygier, Pat Sandiford. A Long Way from Home: The Tuberculosis Epidemic Among the Inuit. 10(1), pp. 111–12, review by James B. Waldram.

Abel, Kerry. Drum Songs: Glimpses of Dene History. 10(1), pp. 113–17, review by Laurie Meijer Drees.

Galois, Robert. Kwakwaka'wakw Settlements, 1775–1920: A Geographical Analysis and Gazetteer. 10(1), pp. 117–21, review by Frank Tough.

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